

I put an end to crappy one-trick-pony apps and made the world's most versatile app for entertainers. Jolt empowers creative performers to make their ideas come to life quickly and easily. Create your own magic apps on the fly, then instantly perform them on spectator's phones. Remote control a whole room full of phones without touching them!


Jolt Details

Jolt is a revolutionary app system that makes you a better and happier performer by solving major problems you face as an entertainer:

Save money, yet always have fresh, topical content that guarantees repeat-bookings and an increasingly better client basis.

Jolt comes with 30 routines and free new ones are added constantly. But you can create your very own multi scene routines easily. Invent engaging effects that match any event or client at little effort and great reward.

Jolt Features

Consistently perform new, original, and shockingly impressive material that happens in the hands of your audience. Save time and money while attracting better clients at zero effort.

Dominate Social Media like a boss

Nothing goes viral faster than timely, unique content created quickly. Jolt is your key to achieving just that! Crafting consistently captivating social media content is where Jolt truly excels, and the best part? It won't cost you a dime!

Jolt Revolutions

Easy to do

Hilariously easy to do! Tap one phone and something happens on another. Or shake one spectator's Android and stuff goes wild someone else's iPhone. Jolt does it for you, even automatically puts routines you get or invent onto every spectator's device. All you do is take the credit and enjoy happier clients...

Nothing to carry

Forget "EDC". Jolt requires you to bring nothing. Not even your phone. Do everything on a spectator's phone, then walk away leaving no traces! Pairing takes a second and can be done to a whole room full of devices at once!

Instant pairing

Pairing devices is super easy. In fact, you can pair a whole room full of devices in seconds, then instantly remote control them in real-time. You don't need NFC tags but you can. No Bluetooth! You don't need to touch their devices except for full-screen effects but we provide ample good reasons to do so. Once paired you can perform unlimited effects on those devices. You don't even need a phone yourself. Unpairing to wipe traces is just as quick and usually automatic. Or you remote-wipe after the gig.

Jolt has its dedicated website:

Behind the Scenes

I created Jolt to counteract the break-neck speed at which ruthless magic distributors are releasing crappy one-trick ponies, leaving a trail of ripped-off inventors and broke consumers behind as if tomorrow didn't matter.

Creating meaningful, hyper-specific performance pieces to retain existing clients and to get access to better ones was a wish expressed by many leading minds in magic.

Coding an app or having one commissioned is out of reach for most, especially on a per-gig basis. Making it work on a borrowed phone without fiddling was unheard of. Remote controlling it without gadgets was a pipe dream for everyone.

I was working on separate apps and technologies that addressed all those concepts when it occurred to me that combining them would create the ultimate entertainer's app maker.

I was discouraged from releasing it because it would disrupt the proven landfill industry of one-trick pony crap magic. And because I despise the entities that enable this institutionalized ripoff I went ahead and released it to a select group in April 2024. After garnering outstanding reviews I opened Jolt up to the public and am happy to report that it enabled many creative minds to make their ideas come to life quickly and effortlessly.

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